Scholar Bowl has been busy! Recently, the Scholar Bowl Team competed in the Central High School Scholar Bowl Tournament. Two of our outstanding Bobcats earned individual trophies. Congratulations to Scarlet Stollings and Xavier Knapp for each scoring 27 Toss Up Questions! 👏 The team also competed recently in the Quad County Scholar Bowl Tournament. The tournament was held in Centralia at City Hope Church. The team had a strong showing and Xavier Knapp was recognized for his individual efforts!
almost 2 years ago, Breese Elementary District #12
Scholar Bowl
Scholar Bowl
Scholar Bowl
Earlier this week our band put on an excellent show at the State Organizational Band Concert at Triad Middle School. The band earned two First Superiors and one First. These ranking put us one point away from an overall ranking of First Superior! Great job, Bobcat Band ... #itsagreatdaytobeabobcat
almost 2 years ago, Breese Elementary District #12
Bobcat Band
Congratulations to our Bobcat Math Team who competed in the 48th Annual Central Math Contest today. They placed 3rd overall! Also, Xavier K. finished as a 3rd place individual. #ItsAGreatDayToBeABobcat 💜🐾
almost 2 years ago, Breese Elementary District #12
Xavier K. - 3rd place individual
Math Team
Congratulations to our March Bobcats of the Month!!!
almost 2 years ago, Breese Elementary District #12
Bobcats of the Month - March
These students have read 50 books independently since Christmas break! They are becoming great readers and were very excited to read their 50th book to Dr. Ketchum!
almost 2 years ago, Breese Elementary District #12
Kindergartener w/ Dr. Ketchum
Kindergartener w/ Dr. Ketchum
Kindergartener w/ Dr. Ketchum
Look familiar? Contact the main office!
almost 2 years ago, Breese Elementary District #12
Have a fun, safe Spring Break!!
almost 2 years ago, Breese Elementary District #12
weekly reminder
Another group of Kindergarteners who completed 50 books and got to read to Dr. Ketchum!
almost 2 years ago, Breese Elementary District #12
Kindergartener w/ Dr. Ketchum
Kindergartener w/ Dr. Ketchum
Kindergartener w/ Dr. Ketchum
Kindergartener w/ Dr. Ketchum
Kindergartener w/ Dr. Ketchum
Don't forget to bring $1 tomorrow to wear a hat! 🧢
almost 2 years ago, Breese Elementary District #12
April 5 Hat Day
These kindergarten students have read 50 books and enjoyed reading to Dr. Ketchum today!📚 🤩
almost 2 years ago, Breese Elementary District #12
Kindergartener w/ Dr. Ketchum
Kindergartener w/ Dr. Ketchum
Kindergartener w/ Dr. Ketchum
Kindergartener w/ Dr. Ketchum
Kindergartener w/ Dr. Ketchum
Kindergartener w/ Dr. Ketchum
Kindergartener w/ Dr. Ketchum
Another great opportunity for students. Auditions take place April 22nd!
almost 2 years ago, Breese Elementary District #12
Clinton County Showcase
Our band & choir will be performing at Busch Stadium once again! Below is an order form if you'd like to attend. We'd love to see a large crowd there supporting the Bobcat band & Choir! The form can also be accessed by using this link:
almost 2 years ago, Breese Elementary District #12
Band & Choir Order Form
As of now, we plan to dismiss school at our regular dismissal times. If we are getting severe weather at the exact time of dismissal, we may choose to hold students and buses until that weather cell clears the immediate area. As parents and guardians, if you have concerns the regular dismissal time, you are always welcome to pick up your child or children early from school. All IAR testing will conclude by 1:45pm and if you would choose to pick up early, please call either school office and we will have them waiting for you or we can even walk them out to your vehicle if more convenient.
almost 2 years ago, Breese Elementary District #12
almost 2 years ago, Breese Elementary District #12
Cody Richter - Bobcat TBT
Let's see your best baseball fan gear! ⚾️
almost 2 years ago, Breese Elementary District #12
opening day 2023
8th Grade parents, please join us with your child tomorrow evening in the gymnasium for an informational night provided by Kaskaskia College. All 8th grade students in the class of 2023 are invited. Please see the flyer for more information about their presentation.
almost 2 years ago, Breese Elementary District #12
8th Grade Night
The Book Fair is coming in April. Mark you calendars for April 24 - April 28. Use the following link for more information:
almost 2 years ago, Breese Elementary District #12
Book Fair!
Bring $1 to wear a hat! Any donations are appreciated. The grade level with the highest donation amount will receive a surprise reward in May! 🧢
almost 2 years ago, Breese Elementary District #12
April 5 Hat Day 🧢
7th Grade Vball wrapped up their season with a 3rd place finish in the St. Rose tournament. Congrats, girls!
almost 2 years ago, Breese Elementary District #12
7th Grade Vball
If you have questions or are looking for additional information regarding the 1% County Schools Facilities Sales Tax, please check out the information and link below!
almost 2 years ago, Breese Elementary District #12
Supt. Town Hall